Monday 9 January 2012

Back in the saddle again

Life has a funny way of bombarding you with things. It seems like I hav'nt posted on my blog for years. Well what has been the hold up I hear you say over your cup of coffee? Well, a new job, moving, renovating, buying a new house, then moving again. Needless to say that spare time has been in shorter supply than "Change" of late.

Bushcraft has taken a back seat at the moment due to the time necessary for us to settle in at the new house. On a positive note there are great trout and salmon fishing in the local area. I don't know what I did to deserve a wife like mine, but she has agreed that a canoe is a must so I am given the go ahead to buy one. I literally live within strolling distance of the river and could probably carry the canoe there from my garage. Yes, the garage also deserves special mention. I have been able to claim the double garage for myself. There is no room for parking since my metal lathe and milling machine will occupy one half, while my bandsaw, thicknesser, table saw and work bench will occupy the other half.

There is a certain satisfaction that comes from finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and having things the way you like them. I have been waiting years to be finished with renovating and it is just on the horizon. This spring we put the final touches on our old house and sell it. As much as I love that house, it has been a huge amount of work and stress on us and I will be quite happy when it's sold.

Our new house has been a real blessing to us. It needs no work done to it, is roomy and practical. Add to that it's great location to the river, the stores and my job and you have a tick in every box. I guess it's just nice to finally have internet again and the ability to go about life normally.

Since this is my first post of the year, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year. May good friends stay by your side and bad situations make themselves scarce. You will be seeing more posts appear on thewanderingaxeman. I am back in the saddle!!


  1. Welcome back to the fray, looking forward to reading your posts this year.

    Happy New Year

  2. Dear Mr Axeman!

    I hope you don't mind me getting in touch. I found your blog while looking for expat blogs and I hope you might be able to help me with my rather strange request?!

    I am a Producer working on a television show called House Hunters International which follows English speaking expats in their quest to move abroad. I wonder if you might know of any of your expat clients who might be interested in getting involved?! Please find a little blurb about the show below:

    House Hunters International is a half-hour program currently airing on the Home and Garden Television Network (HGTV) in America. The series is designed to de-mystify the international home-buying process by going behind the scenes of a house hunt where expats and their real estate agents tour 3 homes. At its core, House Hunters International is a travel show concentrating on the idiosyncrasies of the locales and what makes them special and different.

    You can watch some examples of the show here: - Barcelona from LA - Hong Kong from Cincinnatti - Vienna from California - London from South Africa - Dubai from Illinois - Czech Countryside from Prague

    Please get in touch if you have any more questions about the show. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Best wishes and many thanks,


    Michelle James
    1-3 St Peter's Street, London N1 8JD - +44 20 7704 3300

  3. Good to here from you again and great that your life finally is getting in to good order!!

  4. Nice to have you back, mate. Greetings and hello from an occasional reader in California.

  5. Nice to see that you're back in business again. Thought you might have dropped of the planet... Looking forward to more bushcraft posts, and other posts of course.

    /Johan from Gothenburg

  6. Good to see you back online old friend. I'm so happy things are working out over there! I can't wait to hear about all the fishing adventures.
